We have signed a Consortium Agreement for the supply of onboard equipment for two Kormoran II ships

We are pleased to announce the signing of the Consortium Agreement in the Partnership with RHS and AMEK Offshore for the supply of hydraulic systems with devices for two Kormoran II units.
The approving for the conclusion of the Consortium was positively completed thanks to the works on the Kormoran I unit. We would like to emphasize the very good cooperation at all stages of the ship’s construction with the employees of the RSB, RHS, CTO, Stalkone shipyards with PRS, WDT and Gdańsk University of Technology.

Skwer Koœciuszki w Gdyni. Uroczystoœæ podniesienia bandery na nowym okrêcie Marynarki Wojennej ORP Kormoran.
fot. Krzysztof Mystkowski / KFP

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