Ceremony for raising the flag on the ORP Kormoran minehunter took place on November 28th 2017 on the 99th anniversary of the establishment of the Polish Navy. The ship was built by the Consortium of Shipbuilding Shipyard and the Research and Development Facility of the Marine Technology Center. The project was carried out by the Remontowa Marine Design and Consulting office.
We would like to thank the employees of the RSB Shipyard, CTM and the design office of Remontowa Marine Design and Consulting for exemplary cooperation in the implementation of this project. We would like to thank as well our employees and the entire Maritime and Offshore Projects Department for the good implementation of the tasks entrusted to us in this project.

Skwer Kociuszki w Gdyni. Uroczystoæ podniesienia bandery na nowym okrêcie Marynarki Wojennej ORP Kormoran.
fot. Krzysztof Mystkowski / KFP