Field trials of unmanned mowers. NCBiR Project POiR. 01. 01. 01-00-0523/19

We ended the autumn season with successful tests of two unmanned lawnmowers, carried out within the NCBiR project POiR. 01. 01. 01-00-0523/19, co-financed by European funds under the European Regional Development Fund.
During field tests, both flail-wheel and crawler-blade mowers showed great ability to overcome terrain, achieving the assumed quality and efficiency of mowing for two working speeds: 7 km/h and 14 km/h.
A major milestone was the configuration of remote control systems, as for both the drive systems of the two mowers and the mower systems in conjunction with the self-diagnostics of these systems.

Bearing in mind the future and further development of this project towards hybrid propulsion, our company introduces photovoltaic elements in both mowers, which in this project will be used to support the charging of control system batteries.


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