Quality Management System ISO 9001
The certificate issued by the Quality Certification Center of the Military University of Technology confirms the fulfillment of the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard in the area of design, production, repairs, service and sale of machines and systems based on hydraulics. Cerificate only in Polish.
Golden Emblem Highest Quality Certificate of Quality International 2013
category: QI ORDER - management of the highest quality.
"Technology Creator" Innovation certificate 2007
awarded to our company as part of research on the innovativeness of the Polish economy, conducted by the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, D & B Inc., BRE Bank and Gazeta Prawna (Daily Legal Newspaper).
Certificate of Internal Compliance Program for dual-use goods and technologies
The certificate issued by the Quality Certification Center of the Military University of Technology confirms that Hydromega Sp. z o.o. fullfils the requirements of controlling dual-use goods. Certificate only in Polish.
Parker Hannifin Sales Poland Certificate
confirming theoretical and practical training in the use and assembly of pipe joints of the following systems: EO, EO2, EO2FORM, and Triple Lok.
The Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences 2006 Innovation Certificate
AQAP 2110 - NATO quality assurance requirements
The certificate issued by the Quality Certification Center of the Military University of Technology confirms the quality assurance in accordance with the NATO standardization publication in the area: "Design, production, repairs, service and sale of general and special purpose machinery and systems". Cerificate only in Polish
Concession No. B-095/2012
issued by the Minister of Internal Affairs for the performance of economic activity in the field of production and trade in products for military or police purposes specified in items WT III, WT IV (repair and maintenance services) and WT XII and trade in technology in this field specified in item WT XIII.
Transportation Technical Supervision Authorization
By the Decision of Transport Technical Supervision No. TDT-W / M / N-31/03, Hydromega Ltd. is authorized to install, repair and modernization of the equipment and drives hydraulic, technical devices, loading and unloading devices, with particular reference to the hydraulic control and industrial automation. Document only in Polish.