Active suspension – another RTD step in the Applied Research Programme of the National Centre for Research and Development

Active multifunctional suspensions in highly mobile wheeled vehicles is the newest project of our company carried out as a part of the Applied Research Programme financed by the National Centre for Research and Development.
The project is carried out in consortium with:

  • AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Automotive Industry Institute,
  • Marvel Sp. z o.o,
  • Hydromega Sp. z o.o.

The project matches previous RTD work on active suspension. The aim of the project is to apply controlled vibration reduction systems in suspensions in special vehicles in which high effectiveness of vibroisolation is essential because of the function they serve, and the production and maintenance costs are compensated by the advantages resulting from their use. In the project the authors are going to concentrate on seeking construction solutions as well as algorithms for controlling the suspensions in special vehicles. In order to carry out the project, three different research platforms are going to be prepared, covering most of the commercial technical solutions in suspensions in SUV-type or pick-up vehicles encountered in Europe.

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